Global.asax Global.asax file, as the name suggests is a global level(application) level file that contains application wide settings(don not confuse it with web.config settings) The Global.asax file is in the root application directory. It's actually an optional file. It is configured such that it cannot be downloaded. The ASP.NET page framework recognizes automatically any changes that are made to the Global.asax file. What happens when this file is changed in a running application? Answers:The framework reboots the application. Now let me explain this reboot thing.In simple and to words the appdomain is restarted.Meaning that all browser sessions will become void, state information is flushed out of the memory. Developer's Perspective: The Global.asax file is derived from the HttpApplication class and it maintains a pool of HttpApplication objects, and assigns them to applications as needed. The Global.asax file contains the following events: Application...
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