There are many .Net Questions that every interviewer(in general) asks. Through this, I am starting a series of discussions where in I'll be discussing these questions and provide ample satisfactory answers to them. The intent here is to realise the importance of these questions and help the needy(those who are preparing for interviews) and also who believe in knowing the basics rather than just blindly implementing the .Net classes/Interfaces. Starting the First part of this series is All time Classic question #1 Question: What is the difference between Abstract Classes and Interface? The moment this question is asked the candidates generally start uttering the bookish definitions, some of them are . a) Access modifiers: Interfaces--Implicitly Public() , Classes can use use Access Modifiers. b) No implementation in Interfaces, Classes can have implementations as well. c)Abstract classes can't be instantiated . Some more experienced candidates might get into some further details...
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