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Showing posts from February, 2011

Code Samples-All Advaced concepts

While searching for  ThreadPool customization in, I came across an excellent link that discusses almost all the  the high level .net concepts and good part ;the author is kind enough to share all his work. Here is the  Link . I bet you'll thank the author for his contribution(s). Till next we connect.... Happy learning

Microsoft word to PDF/HTML Converter

Developing a content management System, I came across this requirement where the uploaded word docs needs to be converted to PDF at server, saved and later on be available for display on the browser. This is a clean approach as the content of the pages can change once in a while and there’s no point in making the content static and then reinventing the wheel when the content changes. The application uploads the word documents to the server, which are saved as PDF and become a part of the dynamic menu that contains the link if the document has been uploaded to the server. Now whenever the content of the uploaded files changes, the changed files can be uploaded to the server again and the modified content is available to the user. One of the pre-requisites for this functionality to work is the availability of save-as pdf template to be available in MS-Word 2007. If it is not available, it can be downloaded from here . I’ll not go into creation of dynamic menu and all other stu...

Microsoft Outlook 2007-Add-in/Plug-in Development

Recently there was a requirement for Outlook plug-in development at place where I work and I grabbed this opportunity to write a detailed article about the basics of the outlook development and develop a demo application. The development is almost similar to the normal development except some additional outlook classes that we need to know for the development. The core of the development is the form regions that come in a variety, as depicted below. Types of Form Regions There are four types of form regions: • Adjoining. Adjoining form regions display in addition to a standard or custom form. They appear in a special region at the bottom of the Inspector window or Reading Pane. • Replacement. Replacement form regions replace the default form of an item with the replacement form region. You can only use replacement and replace-all form regions with custom message classes. • Replace-all . Similar to the replacement form region, except that a replace-all form regio...

ASP.Net-Basics revisted

It's been some time that I have not visited my favourite-THE ASP.NET. So here is the link(presentation) that depicts some advaced concepts in, including http modules and handlers. What's important here is the fact that the presentation provides demo as well. Advanced Asp.Net Concepts And Constructs View more presentations from Manny Siddiqui . Till next we connect..... Happy Learning